Wendy Kirkpatrick
Children's Director
Wendy joined the staff in January 2016. Before that, she worked in churches in Illinois and Virginia, and Tennessee. Wendy graduated with a B.S. in Psychology and Learning, and also majored in Bible at Welch College. In 2002, she graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a M.A., in Instructional Leadership. After college, Wendy and her husband John, welcomed Kensi (15), Kade (13), and Kylie (10) into their family. Wendy oversees the ministries of children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wendy believes that discipleship should happen outside the church, just as it should inside the church. She believes the church’s main responsibility is to partner with parents to equip them to be the primary disciple makers in their family. A favorite passage of hers is Psalm 78:1-7, “but tell the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.”