
Discovering Membership

If Christ is the cornerstone of our church, then membership in his body is the cement that holds us all together. Both Jesus and Paul pointed us toward membership for our encouragement, our protection, and our instruction. We take membership seriously. Committing yourself to a body of believers is a weighty matter. But it’s also wonderful. When Covenant Members join, they commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Our pastors and leaders also pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching. Membership at Capshaw is carried out through our three-step process:


Learn about Capshaw’s beliefs and mission in our Discovering Membership Class. As you think about making a decision to join the church, we offer a class that covers what it means to be a Covenant Member, as well as our mission, basic beliefs and theological distinctives. We want you to know exactly what it means to join and what is required before asking you to unite with us. We will serve lunch and childcare is provided.

All prospective members must attend our Discovering Membership class.

Register Here


In a 20-45 minute meeting, the prospective member meets with a pastor to provide basic biographical information and recount God’s converting work in his or her life. This interview also gives the pastors an opportunity to discuss baptism and whether or not this is something that needs to be pursued. The prospective member would then sign the membership covenant.


Baptism is intended only for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ and can give sufficient testimony to the basics of Christian beliefs. We baptize by immersion because it is not only the original significance of the word but also best symbolizes the reality to which baptism points—our death and resurrection in Christ. Biblically speaking, baptism is your public profession of faith.

If you have not been baptized following salvation, we ask you to take this step before becoming a Covenant Member.


Following participation in the Discovering Membership class and the pastoral interview, applicants are presented to the congregation during our quarterly Members Meetings. After the candidates are affirmed by the congregation, they are admitted into Covenant Membership.

Additional Resources

Additional resources related to church membership: